I know what you are thinking. "What type of a Farmers' Market caters to kitties"? Well, maybe you are not thinking that exact thought, but no doubt, the two do not seem to go together. Rest assured, I will explain. This post is about my trip yesterday to the local Farmers' Market that is held in town at the boat basin every Thursday throughout most of the summer and into the fall. With my trusty, way cool bag that Foodbuzz sent to us a few months back, my camera and a pocket of cash, I walked down to stock up on a bit of fresh produce and see what new items they had to offer.

As you can see, I made a pretty good haul. Fresh Hahn's corn, cucs, green beans and potatoes from DeChant Farm, Bartlett pears from Phillips Fruit Farm and a few zucchini to round it all off.
I also got some nice shots of the farmers and shoppers. Here are a few of the photos.

Check out the beauty and color on the table of tomatoes. How can these not be good for you? I resisted the temptation due to by own bountiful crop, but it was hard not to try just one. Does the rationale that you can never have too many pairs of shoes or black sweaters apply to varieties of tomatoes as well?

September means that fall is just around the corner here in the Midwest, and I saw a few items reminding me of the season's soon to be changes of colors and flavors.

The market is not just about produce. There is a nice offering of freshly baked pies, cookies, quick breads, jams and jellies to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Once I was home, I unloaded my goodies and positioned them for photos. After I had taken a few I left the room to get something and when I returned, this is what I found...
A little furry package inspector had decided to checkout what I brought home. Her name is Hello Kitty. I don't think I have introduced our furry friends. There are 2 cats and 1 dog (I will introduce the other 2 in the future). I wasn't sure how interested she would be in the produce, so I let her go....

Who knew that she would want to chow down on the green beans and corn? (I apologize for the shaky photos, I was laughing so hard). I guess I will have to check with her next week to see what she would like me to add to my shopping list!
If you would like to check out the rest of my photos from the market you can see them if you go to my Flickr account
As you can see, I made a pretty good haul. Fresh Hahn's corn, cucs, green beans and potatoes from DeChant Farm, Bartlett pears from Phillips Fruit Farm and a few zucchini to round it all off.
I also got some nice shots of the farmers and shoppers. Here are a few of the photos.
Check out the beauty and color on the table of tomatoes. How can these not be good for you? I resisted the temptation due to by own bountiful crop, but it was hard not to try just one. Does the rationale that you can never have too many pairs of shoes or black sweaters apply to varieties of tomatoes as well?
September means that fall is just around the corner here in the Midwest, and I saw a few items reminding me of the season's soon to be changes of colors and flavors.
The market is not just about produce. There is a nice offering of freshly baked pies, cookies, quick breads, jams and jellies to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Once I was home, I unloaded my goodies and positioned them for photos. After I had taken a few I left the room to get something and when I returned, this is what I found...
Who knew that she would want to chow down on the green beans and corn? (I apologize for the shaky photos, I was laughing so hard). I guess I will have to check with her next week to see what she would like me to add to my shopping list!
If you would like to check out the rest of my photos from the market you can see them if you go to my Flickr account
Beautiful pictures of the market. Seeing the pumpkins got be excited for fall. Cute cat!
That is soooo funny. One of our cats is an absolute freak for green things. I can't shuck corn without her dancing around my feet crying to be fed a bit of corn husk.
wonderful photos. Colorful and good looking produce. (& cat)
lol, cats will try anything! your pictures from the market are great!
Your cat is hilarious! My cat Abbie was chewing on the stem of a butternut squash earlier today.
That's a really beautiful display of tomatoes. How lucky you are!
What a cutie! She is absolutely lovely. My cat will also eat green things...that is why I don't keep plants around the house.
Great pics of the farmer's market, too!
What a great farmers market ... I look forward to ours starting up again in the fall ...
So cute! My cat is quite the investigator too. Every shopping bag must have his head stuck in at least once and he loves veggies, especially greens. The pictures are beautiful, especially the tomatoes.
I had the same dilemma when I visited the farmers' market at Montreal. Loved the tomatoes!
What a gorgeous cat. I had a male at for 13 years, Fuzzy, who looks like yours. I just got a couple of new kittens, pics on a recent blog post, and they're so much fun AND little piggies.
Looks like you have a fantastic market. I love tomatoes and would have been in heaven with so many types!
great pictures,
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