First, I must say "Thank you!" for all of your wonderful comments, shared experiences and warm thoughts. They were truly comforting. To update, he is doing quite well. The recovery is coming along as scheduled. He is able to get about, slowly and still with quite a bit of pain, but is able to work from home and has even gone in to his office for a few hours here and there. It is so amazing to see how quickly the body can heal from such an invasive procedure.
I hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving. We were able to celebrate the day with a friend whose father was in the same hospital, at the same time as my Mr. was. She and I were able to check in with each other, grab a few meals together and she was a great support for me while I was there. It was so nice that we could all have dinner together with both of our special guys! Her son and another wonderful friend of ours was there to "Give Thanks" as well. She and I both cooked up a storm (she is a fantastic cook!) and we really had a quite the feast! ( Look for future posts on my contribution to the meal. )
There are so many things that I can't wait to get blogging on. I received my Blogging by Mail package from my secret blogging buddy while Mr. was in the hospital. I will be posting on the contents and details of the program. It was so much fun! I have been trying out a few new heart healthy recipes with nice results and have discovered a couple websites/magazines to share, so they will be upcoming as well. My knitting needles have been clicking away in preparation for Christmas. Click, click, click! It has been the perfect quiet activity to do during this recovery period.
One thing I wanted to get in today is this great giveaway that I entered yesterday. It is for a Flight of Fine Finishing Salts by Ritrovo that Marx Foods is giving away. Just enter a comment on which salt your household would go through first for a chance to win. You have until December 5th to enter. Wait until you see the selection, mouthwatering!
Good luck and I will be back soon with my Turkey Day pie recipe!